
In his many years of working with medium-sized companies and start-ups on M&A and financing projects, Daniel has repeatedly immersed himself in technologically demanding markets and helped to develop business plans and M&A strategies derived from them.

He is therefore familiar with the challenges of M&A projects from both the process side and the market side.

He is therefore one of the first people to contact when it comes to technology projects, the assessment of corresponding business plans and the development of equity stories.


For Daniel, it is important to create an environment of trust when working together in order to be able to openly discuss all ideas and reservations – especially regarding the corporate and market strategy and their implications for the financial plan and the M&A process.

Daniel likes to spend the leisurely part of his free time in beautiful wine regions and, as a native Tyrolean, you can regularly meet him skiing and hiking in the mountains.

He also spends a lot of time in Asia for family reasons.

“For me, trust is the key to mutual success”

Daniel Oberhumer

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